Grant Seeking Service

Grant seeking is often a long and tedious process, not to mention it can be expensive when you are paying staff to do hours of research. There are many online search platforms with extensive databases for grants and foundations, but most organizations don’t have access to them due to price limitations and monthly subscriptions.

That’s where we come in! We utilize a leading platform in the grant research industry to help you find the best funding matches for your organization. You commit to a one-time investment and in return will receive a well organized grants calendar outlining 12 months of potential funding matches (both local and national) for the organization or program you are seeking funding for. Having a well organized grants calendar keeps your organization and team accountable, and ultimately results in more funding to support the good work you do each day.

How it works

You make a one-time financial investment and receive the following:

  • 30 minute consultation call to discuss funding needs and priorities for your organization

    1. 12 month calendar outline for local and national funding opportunities that are a potential fit

    2. Add-on options:

      • Grants Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) template to help streamline your grants management process and a 30 minute call to discuss with your team

      • Grant application outlines in Word Doc format sent to you one month prior to the grant deadline for easy access to application questions

      • Grant writing services available upon request for an hourly fee

Contact us today to discuss pricing and see how we can work together!